Sought Immigrant Girls.
New York, Thursday. The crew of the white slave ship Hippolyta, a schooner of unknown registry, has been driven from the shores of Long Island. Detective Leverton, an operative of the Pinkerton Agency, led members of the Sag Harbor Vigilance Committee in a fierce and prolonged battle against the ruthless slavers.
What made the affair most singular was that the slavers were, just like their captives, all women. They were of dark complexion and spoke in a tongue unrecognizable by their pursuers. All of the rogues escaped capture, but were forced to swim for their maleficent vessel. They left behind many of their weapons and much of their meager attire. Leverton was awarded the slave captain’s corset by way of a trophy.
For the moment, the fate of 147 immigrant girls, tempted from the docks and tenements of New York by the slavers, remained a mystery. But while the vigilantes returned to their domiciles, content with having secured their coast, Leverton maintained the search. It wasn’t until early the next evening that he heard a chorus of cries from the cliffs above the shore. Scaling the wall of stone, he came to a large cave and in it found the missing maidens.
From Wikipedia: "In Greek mythology, Hippolyta is the Amazonian queen who possessed a magical girdle she was given by her father Ares, the god of war. The girdle was a waist belt that signified her authority as queen of the Amazons." It goes on to explain that Hercules ninth labor was to retrieve this girdle. In the story the corset seems to represent the girdle in the myth.So exhausted was he, that he spent the night with the grateful gross of girls. The next morning, he carried each down in her turn. A special train brought the freed captives back to their families. One of their number, an orphan by the name of Lele Losinzky, was wedded to Leverton the next day.
The only thing I can find about a detective Leverton from Pinkerton is a Sherlock Holmes story titled "The Red Circle". Leverton shows up in London to help track down some criminal who is a member of The Red Circle, a mafia type organization. Holmes is introduced and says, "The hero of the Long Island cave mystery?" But no more is really said about that mystery or Leverton.
So perhaps M.E. Meegs read this Sherlock Holmes story and made the rest up.
Next to this is part of a second story about a woman miner:
A PLUCKY LITTLE WOMAN--Lotta M. Bartlette, of Boston, who was Klondike's pioneer woman miner. She has lately taken up her residence in Salt Lake City, and will remain there during the winter painting, she being an artist of no mean ability.Mrs. Bartlett does not look like one who could undergo the rigors of the Alaskan winters, yet she faced two of them undaunted, superintending the working of her claim and walking 50 miles to Dawson City every two weeks for mail and to post manuscripts written by her in her lonely cabin and sold to Eastern newspapers.
"I made a little money in Alaska, but I didn't fulfill my expectation of getting rich", said she last evening. "I was at Saratoga when Joseph Dadue came back from Alaska loaded down with nuggets that sent many mad with excitement.....I didn't find anything about Lotta M. Bartlette, but since this story is cut off before the end, I guess the first one was the one meant to be clipped.
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